Rainbow Friendship Centre
Beating Isolation Together

About Our Service
The Rainbow Friendship Centre is (formerly the Rainbow Care Centre) a day centre which opened in 1990. We were setup by the local church minister Graham Bell and a group of concerned individuals who identified a need for day care the elderly people in the area.
The centre is registered with the Care Inspectorate and consistently scores 5 out of 6 (Very Good) for its level of service and care. We provide transport to and from the centre, in addition to providing lunch and activities to keep our members stimulated.
The main aims and objectives of the organisation are to promote the welfare of the elderly from South Glasgow and assist in the relief of poverty, sickness, and distress by:
To provide an accessible and sustainable high quality care facility, which bridges the gap between home support and institutional care
To develop effective links with statutory and voluntary sectors to ensure the delivery of appropriate care services for the vulnerable older adults to combat isolation and prevent institutionalisation
To improve the conditions of the lives of older people and reduce social isolation, whilst providing support and relief to the families and carers of elderly people
To promote the welfare of the frail, elderly people from South West Glasgow and assist in the relief of poverty, sickness and distress affecting them
The centre operates in one of the most deprived areas of Glasgow, and this makes the service all the more vital. Our board of directors is comprised of local people, who understand the importance of the service the centre provides to the surrounding communities.